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Saturday, February 29, 2020

So proud of my Keto Diet Buddy

Yesterday was weigh in day for my son and I.  I am so proud of him.  He has lost 120 pounds.  Not only does he look a lot different, but more importantly his health has improved.  My weight has been going up and down lately.  I gain a few pounds and then lose them again.  I've lost 45 pounds in the same amount of time that Don lost 120.  I know he's a lot younger than I am and men lose weight easier than women.    

The scale we have is a talking scale.  It's a woman's voice and when you turn it on she says "Hellooooo"  in an uppity kind of voice.  Then she says "it's ready" and that's when you step on it.  Then she announces your weight.   I talk back to her and threaten her with bodily harm if she's not nice to me.  I have  actually screamed at her just like the picture above......"LIAR"!!!  I may be repeating myself but as I said before, we are not strict Keto.  We do however, try to keep our carb intake to around 20 to 30 carbs per day.  I've added a chart below that I think will illustrate just how high in carbs some foods are and should be avoided.  

I hope I've given you some food for thought (no pun intended).  When I first started on this journey, I realized why I have been obese most of my life.  The amount of carbs I was eating was so far off the charts it was scary.  The funny thing is, I don't feel deprived at all and I will stay Keto (or low carb if you prefer) for the rest of my life.  Do I cheat occasionally?  Yes, I indulge in high carb food when I'm with friends celebrating.  But, I get back on the wagon the next day and don't beat myself up because I'm human.  😍💖

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