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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Feeling Vulnerable but brave





I had hoped this day would never come but no such luck! Over this past weekend, my hair began to fall out, slowly at first and then by Sunday morning it was driving me crazy.  The only solution was shave it all off.  I always considered my hair my best feature.  As you can guess making the decision to go bald was traumatic. I cried and cried some more. Good news was my son has experience with clippers.  He keeps his own hair short, so he knew how to do it.  The other good news was I had ordered a wig, anticipating the inevitable. You can see the wig below at the end of this blog.

So why am I posting this and putting myself out there.  When I started this blog, my main reason was maybe I could help someone else going through this journey.  The other reason was because my Son-in-law fights this battle every day.  It's his line of work, Cancer research.  I can't even tell you how invaluable it is to have him in my corner.  He goes to all my doctor appointments with me and my daughter, Tracy.  Doing a blog was his suggestion.  Tracy also goes with me to all my chemo treatments every Monday.  This isn't the normal procedure, but I have a hearing disability. We obtained special permission for her to be with me during treatment.  The infusion nurses are mostly ok with this arrangement. There have been one or two who give her a hard time about being "in the way" but she's a warrior and usually puts them in their place pretty quick. This is vitally important; you have to stick up for yourself especially if something doesn't feel right at any time. 

Let's get back to the hair subject.  My advice is "be prepared ahead of time".  There's a very good company called Paula Young Wigs.  Their wigs are good quality and affordable.  There are hundreds of choices and colors to choose from.  It took about a week and a half to receive my order.  The total cost of the one I chose was just over $60.00.  

RWJ/Barnabus also has a program called "Liz Inspiration Boutique" their number is 732-232-3110.  The first day in the infusion center, I was visited by Jane the Nurse Navigator.  She gave me this information.  The only drawback is, you have to wait until your hair is gone before you can get measured for a wig from them.  Apparently, the cost is covered by Medicare.  But don't quote me on that because I haven't called them yet to find out what it's all about.

I've now had six chemo treatments and for the most part, I feel really good.  Some of the things I've noticed, some foods taste different and not as good as before.  I don't get nauseous, but I do get heart burn.  Omeprazole or Tums usually helps. I also have noticed that the day of chemo, I have a lot of energy that evening.  That's due to the pre-meds I'm given to keep the nasty side effects from happening.  One of them is a steroid. After it wears off, I find I get tired more.  Luckily, I sleep very well.  I guess that's enough information for now so here is the much-anticipated last photo of beautiful me:



Sunday, October 15, 2023

Week 4


I know I'm late posting this week.  Thankfully, it's because it was a pretty good week.  I didn't have very many side effects from the treatment.  Just some minor stomach rumblings.  I did experience some fatigue on Friday, but I think I did too much.  Since I don't have much to report this week, I'm thinking maybe I will only post once a month.  Unless, of course, I have something to report.  As long as things keep going smoothly, I can't complain.  I still have all my hair as well, yeah! 😁

I'll post again in a few weeks or sooner if anything changes.  Thank you for following my journey, I hope it's helping someone traveling this journey with me.  💘

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Week three

Monday 9:30 arrived at infusion center for third chemo treatment.  Things got off to a slow start because I had to have blood drawn before treatment.  I sat around in the not so comfy recliner for two hours before treatment actually started.  Once the first bag was hung on the IV pole it took 30 minutes to run.  There's a little down time in-between each bag.  Last bag also took 30 minutes to run.  Then it takes a few minutes to disconnect from the IV.  I was free to go home. 

My Son Don picked me up and we were home by 1:30.  Somewhere around 3:00 I was hit with excruciating stomach pain.  I won't go into detail but let's just say once a trip to the rest room was over, I felt better.  I tried to drink lots of water and I had a little bit of soup at dinner.  I was feeling pretty good except for being tired.  I went to bed around 10:00.  I woke up off and on thru the night feeling mildly nauseous.  By 4:00 am I was throwing up.  My mistake was not taking the anti-nausea pill.  My excuse was, I was too sick to walk to the kitchen to get it.  I know, dumb reason.  Going forward each week I now know to not wait but take the medicine before it's an issue.  

Tuesday, the day after chemo.  I was so wiped out all day, all I wanted to do was sleep.  I was sick again in the afternoon after eating some leftover soup.  Finally, after the last bout I started to feel better.  I kept thinking to myself, I have to eat something, but what?  I asked google what foods settle an upset stomach.  I made some white rice that I boiled in chicken broth and ate that.  Then I ate a cup of applesauce and a few ginger snaps.  I also drank a cup of mint tea.  All things google recommended.  Good old google to the rescue!   

So, some lessons learned; take the anti-nausea pill before you feel bad.  Could I have eliminated the stomach upset?  I guess I'll know next week. Drink as much water as you can, it helps to flush out the chemo drugs.  I still have all my hair, I'm not sure when that will start falling out.  I have to tell you also, the nurses that work in the infusion center are angels sent from above.  They work so hard and have many patients to care for.  They are constantly moving and doing something for each patient.  They are always asking if you need anything, a warm blanket (there's a blanket warmer in the center) something to drink or a snack.  I only wish they had bottled water but all they offer is juice or ginger ale.  Did I tell you they offer sandwiches too?  Each day at 11:00 am they come around with sandwiches and drinks.  The sandwiches are always fresh and really good.

To sum up my third treatment, it could have gone better.  Most of the reason for that was because of me and my choices.  Now I know better.  As I take this journey I'll be learning things as I go and hopefully I'm also helping others who may be taking the journey along with me.  It's hard to open yourself up for all the world to see but if it helps someone else it's worth the embarrassment.  Till next week 💘