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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Happiness is being told, you don't need anymore Chemotherapy


Yesterday I met with my Oncologist, Dr. Tang.  After he reviewed my lab results, he said. "You are doing so well; you don't need any more chemo treatments."  That lasted about five minutes when he changed his mind.  Originally, I was scheduled for 6 rounds of chemo but technically I only completed 5 over the course of 3 months.  The very first day of treatment, if you remember was cut short because I had an allergic reaction to one of the drugs.  So, that being said I now have one more treatment in January.  I will still be getting maintenance treatments every six weeks for an indefinite time.  I can do one more chemo treatment standing on my head if I have to.  I'm so grateful to know there will be an end to the effects of chemo. 

I know it's a small thing but on the last day I will get to ring the brass bell that hangs on the wall in the infusion center.  And, best of all I will get to thank all the staff and nurses for being so kind and professional.  I absolutely know how fortunate I am to have done so well.  Not everyone has the same results as me.  My late husband, John had cancer and suffered through chemo and radiation simultaneously.  At the end of his treatment there was no improvement in his tumor and the end result was he passed away.  Also, I lost my son, Bob to cancer just 2 years ago.  I've been given a gift and I know it.  You may not believe in the power of prayer and that's O.K., but I do.  God has answered so many of my prayers over the years that I absolutely have faith in him. 

I will most likely post again after my last treatment and hopefully I can share a picture of me ringing that wonderful brass bell. Till then, stay well 💖💖

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Walking a rough road


It's been a rough three weeks.  The extremely strong chemo drugs have wreaked havoc with my body.  The drugs can't pinpoint just the cancer cells.   Which  means some good things get wreaked.  This past week I had to make a trip to my primary Doc to get checked out because I was feeling so bad.  He was very thorough and ordered blood work, which showed a significant increase in my hypothyroidism.  Changing my thyroid medication should correct this new situation.  It seems like everyday something new pops up but I just have to roll with it.  I know there is light at the end of the tunnel.  The journey getting there can be rough.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Getting to the finish line


        My last treatment was on Nov. 27th, according to my Oncologist I have either one more or two more treatments and then I will go into maintenance.  I won't tell you it has been easy because it hasn't been.  After this last round of chemo, I have been unable to function like I would like to.  The reason being my team decided to increase the dosage of chemo drugs and switch to every three weeks instead of every week.  I met with my Oncologist yesterday and he suggested we lower the dosage a little and see if that helps with my extreme fatigue.  My next round of chemo is scheduled for Dec. 18th.  It could be the last one or depending on some test results it could extend to January.  Whatever it is I am very thankful that I've gotten this far with minimal discomfort. 

      I want to thank my team for all the support you've given me.  My family has been here for me every step of the way.  Tracy, Denis and Don have gone above and beyond taking such good care of me.  Tom and Nancy have been encouraging as well.  And then there are my friends who have also been there for me.  I have even had complete strangers reach out to pray for me and wish me well.  I am one very lucky lady to have so many blessings, I know God is a huge part of it. This year Christmas may not be like years past, not as many cookies baked, not as much shopping done, and maybe not our usual Christmas dinner but it doesn't really matter.  There's always next year God willing. 💖