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Friday, March 12, 2021

It's been a long time

Yesterday marked a year since my son and I were mandated to quarantine.  I can't help but reflect on all that has happened since that day.  We lost so many friends to this horrible virus and are still losing more.  Just two weeks ago a man my son knew passed from it.  No one knows how he was infected.  The really sad thing is how hard it has been on his family left behind.  He was in his 50's and lived alone, except for his dog.  The family had to find a new home for the dog and deal with emptying the man's house.  

I watched the President last night and he talked a good talk but in reality a lot of what he claimed has happened since January just isn't true.  If it is so easy to get vaccinated, why are so many people unable to find appointments.  He made it sound like his Administration has implemented a fantastic plan.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  This whole Covid Vaccination plan is in chaos.  He said there will be a website where you can put in your zip code and find available appointments.  Hey, Joe there already is's the link  

Enough about politics, don't get me started on the economy, unemployment and the National Debt.  I'm too old for all the crap.  The Golden Years, what a joke that has become.  I thank God everyday for my family and the few friends I have left.  In looking back over this past year a lot has changed in my life.  I lost friends (not from Covid) that I trusted but I was betrayed by them.  True friends don't talk behind your back and lie to your face.  True friends will ask "what's wrong"?  Not assume they know why you are troubled and upset.  Yes, It's true I met with two of these so called friends.  I listened to them but they had their minds made up before I explained myself.  I was disappointed that out of a group of approximately 12, only two showed up to meet with me.  It's also true that I told those two to "go to Hell".  Apparently the rest of the group assumed I meant them too.  So I lost a whole group of friends; but life goes on and although I miss some of them I still have true friends I love and care about.  

When I started this blog it was to share my journey to get healthy and lose weight.  It's been two years since I started following the Keto Diet.  I admit that this past year has been challenging to stick with it.  I've gained back about 10 pounds.  But I'm still trying my best to lose them again.  My son is doing much better than me.  He's lost close to 150 pounds and looks terrific.  He's my inspiration.  Till next time, if there is one....take care!
