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Monday, October 18, 2021

A Celebration of Life


Yesterday we had a Celebration of Life gathering to remember my son, Bob.  It was exactly the kind of gathering he would have loved.  The venue was my daughter and Son-in-laws Farm.  The weather was almost perfect but could have been a little warmer.  Everything was set up outdoors as a precaution against Covid.  

I have to give a huge thank you to our friend Dee Dee.  She went above and beyond to prepare most of the food.  Thank you Denis for grilling the sausage.  Thank you Dan for making some killer wings.  Thank you to my grand daughter, Jessica for making the awesome salad.  I would be remiss to not mention all the desserts that everyone brought, too numerous to mention by names.  If I left anyone out I'm sorry, just know I thank you so much.

The roses you see above were given to me by my friend Deb.  I met her through Tracy and Denis and she is like family to us.  Our family is truly blessed to have people in our lives that have shown again and again that we are loved.

There were so many of those caring friends that came yesterday to honor Bob.  Some of his friends from childhood that I hadn't seen in years.  Some of Bob's newer friends that I had never met also came.  Kurt and his wife brought a remembrance for all the ladies to take home (see mine here):

Each pot of flowers was a little different and each contained a packet of flower seeds (forget me nots) to plant next year.  The flowers are all real and very cleverly kept fresh.  She put a lot of effort into making these beautiful remembrances and I can't thank her enough for doing it.

We are a large family and therefore there were a lot of extended family.  Nieces, Nephews, cousins, in-laws, grandchildren and even great grandchildren.  I can't name you all but I am so very grateful to you for coming.

The day was spent sharing good food, and sharing memories and pictures.  The only down side came when it started getting really cold.  People started to head for home when suddenly a storm descended on us from out of nowhere.  All of a sudden the wind kicked up and rain poured down on us.  We all started grabbing the food and running for the house.  I mean it was so strange, we had no warning.  And just as fast as it came, it left.  Could it have been some mischievous spirit who thought it would be funny to see us all getting soaked, I wonder!! 👻👻👻 

In closing I'd like to share the poem we chose for the prayer cards: