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Tuesday, May 4, 2021




I once read a book called Changes.  I believe it was a Danielle Steel novel.  It was about how in our lifetime many forces bring about change, sometimes good and sometimes bad.  Today's post is all about how life can change in a split second.  No one can foresee when something is going to happen to us or to a loved one.  That's what happened to me last Friday.  Don, my son had an accident at work.  He trains Race Horses for a living.  He wouldn't be too happy if he knew I was putting this out on the web for everyone to see.  He's a very private person and doesn't even have a Facebook account.  This isn't about him or even about me, it's about how fragile life can be.  I'm sure when he got behind that horse, he wasn't expecting to end up in an ambulance on his way to the hospital.  🏇  I'm grateful his injuries weren't more serious.  He has broken ribs and is still in the hospital.  He spent three days in ICU but is now in a regular room.  I expect him to be there for a few more days.  Once home, his recovery will take some time.  

When something like this happens, it makes you stop and think "What If".  What if, it had been worse?  What if it was me that got hurt?  At my age a broken hip is a real concern.  One miss step can lead to disaster.  Accidents happen, there's no getting around that.  We can however, do everything we can to prepare for something like this.  First and foremost is to have good health insurance.  Take a good look around your home and make sure there are no dangerous obstacles.  Like throw rugs and  electrical cords to trip on.  Steps are especially dangerous so make sure you have a hand rail to hold onto.  These are just a few things I've thought of.  If you have any other suggestions, please comment below.  I would love to see some discussion.  Stay safe 💓