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Sunday, August 18, 2024

I really need to do better

Once again, I've been neglecting my updates.  I guess no news is good news.   Let's pick up where I left off, I finished my round of radiation treatments.  About the same time, a new ailment popped up.  I woke up one morning with pain in my right wrist.  About a week later my left wrist mirrored my right with pain.  I procrastinated for about a month but finally made an appointment with an Orthopedic hand surgeon.  Turns out I have Tendonitis and was given a shot of cortisone in each wrist.  That was 2 days ago and I'm already feeling improvement.  The Doctor said the shots should do the trick and I won't need any follow up.

Getting back to my cancer journey, I've started a new drug that Dr. Cohen says will enhance the job the Keytruda is doing.  It's called Lenvima.  I've been taking it for almost 3 weeks and am having some concerns about the side effects.  I've reduced the dosage, so we'll see if things get better.  

On a happier note, my hair has grown back.  The weird thing is now it's curly.  

I like ending with a positive note!  I thank God every day that I have come this far.  It hasn't always been easy, but my faith and my family make it better for sure.
I promise to do better updating you all!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Some random thoughts and an update


I know it's been almost two months since I posted an update on my cancer journey.  I didn't have anything new to report.  I'm still doing maintenance with Keytruda every 6 weeks and seeing Dr. Cohen .  Last week I hit a bump in the road.  I won't go into details on what happened, but it was enough to get me to the Emergency room.    It was Thursday night when I got there, and I finally was sent home on Monday.  If I hadn't insisted on the hospital contacting my Surgeon, Dr. Hackett I would still not know what caused me to be there.  "Too many cooks in the kitchen spoils the broth."  In this case too many Doctors and no one comparing notes with each other.  The end result is, Now I go for radiation treatment every day for 3 weeks and that should do the trick.  Apparently, what happened to me is very common with my type of cancer.  To say I am relieved is an understatement.


On another subject, I decided to push myself to be more involved in my community.  About a month ago I was asked to volunteer to be on the board of directors of my Communities Residents Association.  I would have declined if I had known how badly that would turn out.  I thought I was doing the right thing by offering my experience as a past President and Treasurer.  If you've ever been involved in local politics or even like me, a community association, you probably know how tenuous it can be.  I am ashamed to admit, I gave in to my emotions and voiced a few things on Facebook I shouldn't have.  I jumped to a conclusion and may have accused someone wrongly.  I'm still not sure about that but I will give them the benefit of the doubt.  I did apologize on Facebook.  Here's where it gets interesting, I felt an apology face to face was appropriate.  Big mistake.  Instead of accepting my apology and moving on, these two former friends were childish and hateful and bullied me.  I should have known you can't reason with Narcissists.  I don't feel a sense of loss losing them as friends.  I know I tried to make amends and they will be judged not by me but by our creator as will I.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Seven more weeks update

I totally forgot to blog an update last week.  There's really not to much new to report.  I had my first appointment with my new Oncologist, Dr. Cohen on April 2nd.   His style is totally different than Dr. Tang.  I can't say I liked him very much.  He seems like he is in a big hurry to get rid of me.  I also didn't like that he made a joke about my hearing loss, I don't find that funny.  I struggle with missing what is said to me.   I also got the feeling he doesn't like questions being asked, because he changes the subject and goes onto something else.  All that being said, I will see what my next appointment is like and give him the benefit of the doubt.  

On a happier note, my hair has started to grow back.  Happy about my head but not so much about my facial hair and legs, LOL.  My weight has been staying steady, but I will be vigilant about watching it doesn't start going back up.  It's been great being able to eat things that taste normal.  My love of pasta, french fries and ice cream to name a few.  I don't know if I mentioned a few things that got me through the worst days.  I ate lots of chicken with rice soup, Boost protein shakes and Liquid IV water supplements.  

I'm still struggling with the peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet.  I would say that's my biggest complaint right now.  It's hard to walk normally when you can't feel your feet.  I 'm constantly dropping things too, because my fingers are numb.  Hopefully this will go away eventually.

I'm looking forward to some warmer weather.  My happy place is outside on my deck, enjoying the warm sun on my face.  Soon the community pool will be opening as well.  I guess I'd better think about buying a few smaller swimsuits.  That will make me happy! πŸ©±πŸ’•πŸ˜

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Six week Update

1t's hard to believe it's been six weeks since I finished chemo treatments. Yesterday I went back to the infusion center for my first maintenance IV of Keytruda. This isn't something new, I've been getting Keytruda for the past three months along with the chemo drugs. Since it's only one 30 minute IV, I'm not hanging out there all day like before. I only have to go again in six weeks.


I received a letter notifying me that my Oncologist, Dr. Tang is leaving RWJ/Barnabas Health. He's moving to Atlanta, Ga. Although I will miss him, I wish him well. I could not have been in better hands.


To update the progress I'm making, several things have improved. I had a CT scan to compare with the one I had before I received treatment. The new scan didn't show any abnormalities. In other words, the chemo did its job and kicked a$$. I'm still experiencing numbness in my fingers and feet. My sense of taste is slowly starting to get better. Dr. Tang said my hair should start to grow back as well. I have to work on getting my muscle tone in my legs back. I'm looking forward to warmer weather so I can get outside again.

           I will do another update in six more weeks, until then                            stay healthy and safe πŸ’˜πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’˜

Monday, January 8, 2024

Yesterday was the big day!

 In case you are wondering what this picture is, it's me ringing the bell at the Infusion Center.  The ringing of the bell ceremony signifies the last day of chemo treatment.

Yes, that's right yesterday was my last day of Chemotherapy. 

So what's next?  Maintenance every 6 weeks with "Keytruda" an immune system building drug.

I can't say enough about the staff at RWJ/Barnabus.  Every staff member I interacted with was top notch.  Yesterday was so special for me.  The staff in the infusion center conspired with my daughter, Tracy to pull off a surprise for me.  You'll see what I mean if you watch the video.  I hope you can open the link>>>>>>>

I didn't know my family was standing behind me until I turned around.  I never suspected they were there.

I probably won't be writing another blog for at least 6 weeks, unless I have something new to tell you.  πŸ’“πŸ’–Thank you for following my journey.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Happiness is being told, you don't need anymore Chemotherapy


Yesterday I met with my Oncologist, Dr. Tang.  After he reviewed my lab results, he said. "You are doing so well; you don't need any more chemo treatments."  That lasted about five minutes when he changed his mind.  Originally, I was scheduled for 6 rounds of chemo but technically I only completed 5 over the course of 3 months.  The very first day of treatment, if you remember was cut short because I had an allergic reaction to one of the drugs.  So, that being said I now have one more treatment in January.  I will still be getting maintenance treatments every six weeks for an indefinite time.  I can do one more chemo treatment standing on my head if I have to.  I'm so grateful to know there will be an end to the effects of chemo. 

I know it's a small thing but on the last day I will get to ring the brass bell that hangs on the wall in the infusion center.  And, best of all I will get to thank all the staff and nurses for being so kind and professional.  I absolutely know how fortunate I am to have done so well.  Not everyone has the same results as me.  My late husband, John had cancer and suffered through chemo and radiation simultaneously.  At the end of his treatment there was no improvement in his tumor and the end result was he passed away.  Also, I lost my son, Bob to cancer just 2 years ago.  I've been given a gift and I know it.  You may not believe in the power of prayer and that's O.K., but I do.  God has answered so many of my prayers over the years that I absolutely have faith in him. 

I will most likely post again after my last treatment and hopefully I can share a picture of me ringing that wonderful brass bell. Till then, stay well πŸ’–πŸ’–

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Walking a rough road


It's been a rough three weeks.  The extremely strong chemo drugs have wreaked havoc with my body.  The drugs can't pinpoint just the cancer cells.   Which  means some good things get wreaked.  This past week I had to make a trip to my primary Doc to get checked out because I was feeling so bad.  He was very thorough and ordered blood work, which showed a significant increase in my hypothyroidism.  Changing my thyroid medication should correct this new situation.  It seems like everyday something new pops up but I just have to roll with it.  I know there is light at the end of the tunnel.  The journey getting there can be rough.