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Friday, December 8, 2023

Getting to the finish line


        My last treatment was on Nov. 27th, according to my Oncologist I have either one more or two more treatments and then I will go into maintenance.  I won't tell you it has been easy because it hasn't been.  After this last round of chemo, I have been unable to function like I would like to.  The reason being my team decided to increase the dosage of chemo drugs and switch to every three weeks instead of every week.  I met with my Oncologist yesterday and he suggested we lower the dosage a little and see if that helps with my extreme fatigue.  My next round of chemo is scheduled for Dec. 18th.  It could be the last one or depending on some test results it could extend to January.  Whatever it is I am very thankful that I've gotten this far with minimal discomfort. 

      I want to thank my team for all the support you've given me.  My family has been here for me every step of the way.  Tracy, Denis and Don have gone above and beyond taking such good care of me.  Tom and Nancy have been encouraging as well.  And then there are my friends who have also been there for me.  I have even had complete strangers reach out to pray for me and wish me well.  I am one very lucky lady to have so many blessings, I know God is a huge part of it. This year Christmas may not be like years past, not as many cookies baked, not as much shopping done, and maybe not our usual Christmas dinner but it doesn't really matter.  There's always next year God willing. 💖